Hiyaaaa Y’alright
Hi, I’m Jess & I run Girl Friday along with a team of brilliant associates. Born & bred up North, I’m straight-talking, can find humour in pretty much anything, & nothing makes me happier than ticking stuff off a to-do list.
After being in the corporate rat race for 10+ years in roles covering operations, IT, sales, finance & customer service, I launched my own business in the first lockdown whilst furloughed with a toddler… It grew so big so quickly that I handed my notice in on my first day back after furlough (yes, it felt AMAZING).
I grew that business, Mum Uniform, happily for 3 years, taking on staff and nurturing a huge supportive community of loyal mum-fans.
During this time I started helping other entrepreneurs expand & develop their businesses and ideas, and ultimately fell in love with that more than my own product business.
I’ve helped countless other businesses start up, grow & refine - from Keynote Speaker Professors to Menopausal Wellness, Subscription Boxes, Kids Snacks, other clothing brands & all sorts in between.
I’ve built websites, systems, implemented processes, managed supply chains, marketed, streamlined, helped them expand into new markets or niches, and been their soundboard & biggest cheerleader.
As a “Jess-of-all-trades” I’m your go-to girl who either knows all the answers or knows where to go to get them!